Sunday, March 1, 2009

Romans Chapter 6

Romans 6:23 For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Chapter 6 is truly one of the most powerful Chapters I have read in my nearly two years as a Christian. I am picking up where I left off with the (Romans Road to Salvation). I want to go out and witness Life's being changed forever. Romans road is going to help me do that. How can I go out and witness if I can not reference and do not know what I am talking about. For the wages of sin is death! To better describe this I am going to take a quote out of the King James Version (KJV) Soul Winners New Testament. Wages are the pay you get for work, they are your earnings and what most people work very hard for. Death is the pay you get for sin. No one has to work very hard for death because we all sin and death is the wage of sin. Death is inevitable. The only guarantee in life is that we are all going to die one day and we are either going to spend eternity in heaven or we will be cast into the lake of fire (HELL). The ones that are cast into the lake of fire are those sinners like us all, but they are unsaved that is separated from God and righteousness. They are not filled with the Holy Spirit. They have not been born again. They have not received the free gift that God has offered them, that gift of eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. It is a free gift, so why not accept it? All you have to do to accept this free gift is believeth on him and you shall have everlasting life and not be condemned to the lake of fire. In this Chapter we see so many great verses, bottom line is we need to realize that we are all sinners and the penalty for our sin is death. If we decide to accept the free gift from God that is salvation from eternal damnation we need to live righteously and Holy and acceptable to God. We need to repent from our sins and have faith in the Lord. I highly suggest that anyone reading this blog would read this Chapter. It is only 23 verses. As a matter of fact I challenge you to read this chapter. I am suppose to pick out some verses that stand out in the Chapter but for this one that is hard to do. If I did so I would be posting the entire Chapter to this blog.

Father, I can never begin to praise you enough. Lord I am a sinner and I am ashamed. I want to make things right before you lord and I have faith that you will lead me to others that want to do the same. I know I have only began to scratch the service lord but I am truly amazed and look forward to spending more time with you. Lord I can not think you enough for everything, from the bottom of my heart. Honestly I would not no where to begin Lord. I pray that through this Bible College, Theresa and I will become closer, grow more in our faith and be closer to you. I pray that you would make our house with joy, warmth and a house for the lord, filled with the Holy spirit and allow are family to grow. Thank you so much father for giving me the opportunity to have a great job and to be a provider for my family. I pray that a special blessing would be upon the Zanesville Recruiting Station and our mission as we are heading into our last week of the quarter. No matter if we make it are not we will praise you Lord. I know that all things are possible through faith in you father. I love you Lord and I look forward to spending tomorrow with you. In Jesus name I pray, Amen


  1. Some people work all their life trying to earn salvation and all they earn is there wages (death in Hell). A gift can not be earned, it can only be received, you made this point very clear.
    I found myself looking forward to seeing what you would write today. (a sign of a good writer) You are doing good just keep it up.
    Read you tomorrow
    Bro Dave

  2. I agree 100% with Bro Dave. I too am looking forward to your blog. Praise God! You or I will not experience the second death in hell, only because we have experienced the second birth by the grace of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ! See you at the office.
